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資訊群組 : admin




職級: 副教授

姓名: 張志標

E-Mail: andrew@gm.lhu.edu.tw

研究室: C3111

分機號碼: 5611


  • 國立成功大學電機工程學系計算機組博士 
  • 國立成功大學電機工程學系計算機組碩士
  • 國立成功大學電機工程學系學士

三、 現職及與專長相關之經歷

  • 龍華科技大學電子工程系專任副教授    108/8~迄今
  • 龍華科技大學研究發展處副研發長        108/8~110/2
  • 康寧大學數位應用學系副教授    103/1-108/7
  • 康寧大學學生事務處學務長    106/8-107/7
  • 康寧大學數位應用學系系主任    104/8-106/1
  • 康寧大學圖資中心主任        103/8-104/7


  • 大數據分析
  • 機器學習
  • 雲端計算
  • 資訊安全
  • 計算機網路
  • 系統與網路管理


  1. SSCP認證系統安全從業人員
  2. Microsoft Certiport IC3 Certification之國際證照
  3. Microsoft Certiport IC3 Certification之監評人員


  • 基於FedMR之殭屍網路聯偵方法      I596498   謝錫堃、張志標、王俊又、徐晟旼    2017/08 至 2036/11
  • 聯合多運算叢集系統執行映射化簡程式的方法        I499971   謝錫堃、張志標、徐瑞興    2015/09 至 2033/03


  1. 物聯網設備全面向資安檢測與智能化深度分析-子計畫二:含物聯網之多型態殭屍網路深度學習偵測系統之研發(107-2221-E-006-022-MY2)  共同主持人    2018/08/01~2020/07/31
  2. 提升廢水生物處理系統除氮功能之穩定性:智慧廢水處理場可行性之研究(奇美實業)  共同主持人  2018.01.01~2019.06.30
  3. 雲端與端點應用之連續資安防禦與分析系統-子計畫二:具時間與空間變量之多樣型殭屍網路偵測系統(106-2221-E-006-004-)  共同主持人    2017/08/01~2018/07/31
  4. 多叢集上聯邦資料運算與儲存系統之研製(104-2221-E-426-001-)   主持人    2015/08/01~2016/07/31
  5. 雲端服務之整體資安防禦系統-一個基於Fed-MR的通用型協同式P2P殭屍網路偵測系統(103-2221-E-006-144-MY3)  共同主持人    2014/08/01~2017/07/31
  6. 構一個即時巨量資料串流分析聯合叢集系統與應用於防堵IPv6垃圾郵件之研究(102-2221-E-426 -001 -)   主持人    2013/08/01~2014/07/31
  7. FBICloud:一個可用於偵測殭屍網路之聯邦雲(2/2)(102-2219-E-006 -002 -)    共同主持人   2013/05/01~2014/07/31
  8. FBICloud:一個可用於偵測殭屍網路之聯邦雲(1/2)(101-2219-E-006 -005 -)    共同主持人    2012/05/01~2013/04/30
  9. 聯邦雲:一個結合多個管理自治資料中心的異質性雲端運算系統(99-2221-E-426 -007 –MY3)     主持人    2010/08/01~2013/07/31
  10. 急難救援格網:一個支援離線式存取與複本一致性的資料格網系統之研製98-2221-E-426 -004 -  主持人    2009/08/01~2010/10/31
  11. 快取格網:一個基於分散式共用記憶體的透通性資料格網系統之研究 (II)(III)97-2221-E-426 -005 -    主持人   2008/08/01~2009/07/31
  12. 快取格網:一個基於分散式共用記憶體的透通性資料格網系統之研究96-2221-E-426 -004 -    主持人     2007/08/01~2008/07/31
  13. 格網上漸進式多層次重組機制之研究95-2221-E-426 -007 -    主持人    2006/08/01~2007/07/31


(A) 期刊論文

  1. Chun-Yu Wang, Chi-Lung Oua, Yu-En Zhang, Feng-Min Cho, Pin-Hao Chen, Jyh-Biau Chang, Ce-Kuen Shieh (2018, Nov.). “BotCluster: A session-based P2P botnet clustering system on NetFlow,” Computer Networks, Volume 145, Pages 175-189. MOST-103-22-E-006-144-MY3 (EI)(SCI-E)
  2. Jyh-Biau Chang, Po-Cheng Chen, Ce-Kuen Shieh, Jia-Hao Yang, Sheng-Hung Hsieh, 2013, “An Adaptive-Grained Consistency Maintenance Scheme for Shared Data on Emergency and Rescue Applications,” International Journal of Grid and High Performance Computing, 5(2), 54-71. (EI)
  3. Yen-Liang Su, Po-Cheng Chen, Jyh-Biau Chang, Ce-Kuen Shieh, 2011, “Variable-sized map and locality-aware reduce on public-resource grids,” Future Generation Computer Systems, Volume 27, Issue 6, Pages 843–849. (SCI-E)
  4. Po-Cheng Chen, Jyh-Biau Chang, Yen-Liang Su, and Ce-Kuen Shieh, 2010, "On-demand Data Co-allocation with User-Level Cache for Grids", Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience, Volume 22, Issue 18, pages 2488–2513 (SCI-E, Impact Factor: 1.791, 5-Year Impact Factor: 1.515)
  5. Po-Cheng Chen, Jyh-Biau Chang, Ce-Kuen Shieh, Chia-Han Lin, and Yi-Chang Zhuang, 2010, "A DSM-Based Fragmented Data Sharing Framework for Grids",  Future Generation Computer Systems, Volume 26, Issue 4, Pages 668-677 (SCI-E, Impact Factor: 1.476, 5-Year Impact Factor: 1.377)
  6. Po-Cheng Chen, Jyh-Biau Chang*, Yi-Sheng Lin, Yi-Chang Zhuang, and Ce-Kuen Shieh, 2010, "Transparent On-demand Co-allocation Data Access for Grids", Special issue on Grid Computing and Applications of International Journal of Ad Hoc and Ubiquitous Computing, Volume 5, Issue 4, 2010, p.227-234 (EI)(SCI-E) (NSC 96-2221-E-426-004-)
  7. Po-Cheng Chen, Jyh-Biau Chang, Tyng-Yeu Liang, and Ce-Kuen Shieh, June 2009, “A Progressive Multi-layer Resource Reconfiguration Framework for Grid Systems,” Future Generation Computer Systems, Volume 25, Issue 6, June 2009, Pages 662-673. (SCI-E, Impact Factor: 1.476, 5-Year Impact Factor: 1.377) (EI) (NSC 95-2221-E-426-007-)
  8. Tyng-Yeu Liang, Chun-Yi Wu, Ce-Kuen Shieh, Jyh-Biau Chang, May 2007, “A Grid-enabled Software Distributed Shared Memory System on Wide Area Network”, Future Generation Computer Systems , Volume 23, Issue 4, p.547-557. (SCI-E, Impact Factor: 1.476, 5-Year Impact Factor: 1.377) (EI) (NSC 94-2218-E-151-003-)
  9. Yen-Tso Liu, Tyng-Yeu Liang, Jyh-Biau Chang, Ce-Kuen Shieh, Jan. 2007, “Incorperating Memory Resource Considerations into the Workload Distribution of Software DSM systems”, Journal of Information Science and Engineering , vol. 23, no. 1, pp.243-257. (SCI) (EI)
  10. Jyh-Biau Chang, Ce-Kuen Shieh, Tyng-Yeu Liang, August 2006, “A Transparent Distributed Shared Memory for Clustered Symmetric Multiprocessors”, Journal of Supercomputing , vol. 37, issue 2, pp.145-160. (SCI) (EI)
  11. Yi-chang Zhuang, Jyh-Biau Chang, Ce-Kuen Shieh, Tyng-Yeu Liang, Laurence Tianruo Yang, July 2006, “Finding a suitable system scale to optimize program performance on software DSM systems”, Cluster Computing, vol.9, no. 3, p.223-236. (EI)
  12. J.C. Ueng, C.K. Shieh, T.Y. Liang, and Jyh-Biau Chang, MAR 15, 2001, “Proteus: an efficient runtime reconfigurable distributed shared memory system”, Journal of Systems and Software, Vol. 56, No. 3, pp. 247~260. (SCI)
  13. S. C. Mac, C. K. Shieh, and Jyh-Biau Chang, 1999, “Design and Analysis of A Parallel File System for Distributed Shared Memory Systems”, Journal of Systems Architecture pp.603-617, 45. (SCI, EI) (NSC 85-2213-E-006-037)

(B) 研討會論文

  1. Chun-Yu Wang, Shih-Hao Fuh, Ta-Chun Lo, Qi-Jun, Yu-Cheng Chen, Feng-Min Cho, Jyh-Biau Chang, Ce-Kuen Shieh (2019, December). A Data Compacting Technique to reduce the NetFlow size in Botnet Detection with BotCluster. In Proceedings of the 6th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Big Data Computing, Applications and Technologies (pp. 81-84). ACM. MOST107-2221-E-006-022-MY2.
  2. Chun-Yu Wang, Jia-Hong Yap, Kuan-Chung Chen, Jyh-Biau Chang, Ce-Kuen Shieh (2018, Dec). The Impact of the Observation Period for Detecting P2P Botnets on the Real Traffic using BotCluster. ICS 2018 Proceedings in the Computer and Information Science Communications Series. MOST-103-2221-E-006-144-MY3.
  3. 謝鎧任, 張志標 (2017, May). 在 WekaHadoop 上以多種機器學習方法分類垃圾郵件之研究. 2017第十二屆數位教學暨資訊實務研討會, Tainan, Taiwan.
  4. Chun-Yu Wang, Tzu-En Huang, Yu-Tang Huang, Jyh-Biau Chang, Ce-Kuen Shieh (2015, Dec). An Inter-Framework Cache for Diverse Data-Intensive Computing Environments. The 5th International Symposium on Cloud and Service Computing(SC2 2015). MOST 104-2221-E-426-001.
  5. 呂奎亨, 張志標 (2015, Jun). 結合機器學習與雲端運算的高效能巨量垃圾郵件過濾系統之研究. International Conference on Information Technology and Industrial Applications (ITIA2015), Taipei, Taiwan. MOST 102-2221-E-426-001.
  6. Chun-Yu Wang, Tzu-Li Tai, Kuan-Chieh Huang, Tse-En Liu, Jyh-Biau Chang, Ce-Kuen Shieh (2014, Sep). FedLoop: Looping on Federated MapReduce. The IEEE International Conference on Big Data Science and Engineering (BDSE 2014), Beijing, China.
  7. Chun-Yu Wang, Tzu-Li Tai, Jui-Shing Shu, Jyh-Biau Chang, Ce-Kuen Shieh (2014, Jun). Federated MapReduce to Transparently Run Applications on Multicluster Environment. 2014 IEEE International Congress on Big Data, Anchorage, Alaska, USA. NSC 99-2221-E-426-007-MY3.
  8. Po-Cheng Chen, Yen-Liang Su, Jyh-Biau Chang, Ce-Kuen Shieh, Jun. 28-30, 2011, “TSorter: A Conflict-Aware Transaction Processing System for Clouds,” International Conference on Future Information Technology (FutureTech 2011), Loutraki, Greece.
  9. Po-Cheng Chen, Jyh-Biau Chang, Ce-Kuen Shieh, Jia-Hao Yang, Jan. 20-21, 2011, “A Variable-Grain Consistency Maintenance Scheme for Shared Data on Emergency and Rescue Applications,” Symposium on Cloud and Services Computing (SC^2 2011), Taipei, Taiwan
  10. Lee, T.-F., Chang, J.-B. and Chung, L.-C. , May 21-22, 2010, “Key Exchange and Pseudonym Delivery Protocol with Password Authentication for Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks,” The 21st International Conference on Information Management (ICIM2010), Tainan, Taiwan.
  11. Po-Cheng Chen, Yen-Liang Su, Jyh-Biau Chang, and Ce-Kuen Shieh, May 2010, "Variable-Sized Map and Locality-Aware Reduce on Public-Resource Grids" The 5th International Conference on Grid and Pervasive Computing (GPC 2010), Hualien, Taiwan
  12. 李添福, 張志標, 陳麒文, 劉相君, March 31, 2010, “適用於智慧卡環境之相互認證機制,” The E-learning and Information Technology Symposium 2010 (EITS2010), Tainan, Taiwan.
  13. Ting-Yui Liao, Jyh-Biau Chang, June 5, 2009, “Dynamic Replication Algorithm Based on Gregarious-Tribe File Access in Data Grid”, Proceedings of the Fourth Intelligent Living Technology Conference (2009), p.1752-1758, Taichung, Taiwan. (Best Paper Award) (NSC 97-2221-E-426-005-)
  14. Po-Cheng Chen, Jyh-Biau Chang, Yi-Chang Zhuang, Ce-Kuen Shieh, and Tyng-Yeu Liang, May 18-21, 2009, "Memory-mapped File Approach for On-demand Data Co-allocation on Grids", The 9th IEEE International Symposium on Cluster Computing and the Grid 2009 (CCGrid 2009), Shanghai, China (NSC 97-2221-E-426-005-)
  15. Po-Cheng Chen, Jyh-Biau Chang, Jia-Hao Yang, Yi-Chang Zhuang and Ce-Kuen Shieh, May 26-29, 2009, "Spigot: Fragment-Level File Sharing and Consistency on Grids", The 23nd International Conference on Advanced Information Networking and Applications 2009 (AINA 2009), Bradford, UK (NSC 96-2221-E-426-004-)
  16. Po-Cheng Chen, Jyh-Biau Chang, Yi-Sheng Lin, Yi-Chang Zhuang, Ce-Kuen Shieh, Dec. 12-13, 2008, “Transparent On-demand Co-allocation Data Access for Grids,” The 5th Workshop on Grid Technologies and Applications (WoGTA'08), Tainan, Taiwan. (NSC 96-2221-E-426-004-)
  17. Po-Cheng Chen, Cheng-I Lin, Sheng-Wei Huang, Jyh-Biau Chang, Ce-Kuen Shieh, Tyng-Yeu Liang, March 25-28, 2008, "A Performance Study of Virtual Machine Migration vs. Thread Migration for Grid Systems", The IEEE 22nd International Conference on Advanced Information Networking and Applications 2008, GinoWan, Okinawa, Japan. (NSC 95-2221-E-426-007-)
  18. Po-Cheng Chen, Ce-Kuen Shieh, Hui Shan Chen, Jyh-biau Chang, Yi-Chang Zhuang, Tyn-Yeu Liang, December 13-14, 2007, "An Enhanced Heterogeneous Grid Resource Scheduler for Parallel Jobs", 4th Workshop on Grid Technologies and Applications (WoGTA’07), pp. 95-102, TaiChung. (NSC 96-2221-E-151-018- )
  19. Po-Cheng Chen, Jyh-Biau Chang, Tyng-Yeu Liang, Ce-Kuen Shieh, Yi-Chang Zhuang, 2006, “A multi-layer resource reconfiguration framework for grid computing”, MCG '06: Proceedings of the 4th international workshop on Middleware for grid computing, (NSC 95-2221-E-426-007-)
  20. Tyng-Yeu Liang, Shih-Hsien Wang, Jyh-Biau Chang, Ce-Kuen Shieh, 2006, May,“Supporting the OpenMP Programming Interface on Teamster-G”, First International Conference of Grid and Pervasive Computing, Lecture Note of Computer Science , vol.3947, pp. 547-556. (NSC 94-2218-E-151-003-) (SCI)
  21. Tyng-Yeu Liang, Po-Cheng Chen, Pei-Hsin Fan, Jyh-Biau Chang, Ce-Kuen Shieh, March 16-17, 2006, “A Web-based OpenMP Application Development Environment”, Proceedings of The 12 thWorkshop on Compiler Technique for High-Performance Computing, pp. 49-56. (NSC 94-2218-E-151-003- )
  22. Tyng-Yeu Liang, Shih-Hsien Wang, Jyh-Biau Chang, Ce-Kuen Shieh, Jing-Min Huang, Nov. 10-12, 2005,“The design and Implementation of the OpenMP API on SMP Clusters”, 2005 International Conference on Open Source , Taipei, Taiwan. (NSC 93-2218-E-151-004-)
  23. Tyng-Yeu Liang , Chun-Yi Wu, Jyh-Biau Chang, Ce-Kuen Shieh, Dec. 7-9, 2005, “Enabling Software DSM System for Grid Computing”, In the Proceeding of International Symposium on Parallel Architectures, Algorithms, and Networks (I-SPAN2005) , Las Vegas, USA. (NSC 93-2218-E-151-004-)
  24. Tyng-Yeu Liang , Chun-Yi Wu, Jyh-Biau Chang, and Ce-Kuen Shieh, May 9-12, 2005, “Teamster-G : A Grid-enabled Software DSM System,“ Workshop of DSM'05 at CCGRID2005 , Cardiff, UK.
  25. Jyh-Biau Chang, T.Y. Liang, and C.K. Shieh, March, 2005, “Progressive Multilayer Reconfiguration for Software DSM Systems in Non-dedicated Clusters”, Proceedings of INA2005, Volume 2, p. 367-370.
  26. Jyh-Biau Chang and C. K. Shieh, 2001, “Teamster: A Transparent Distributed Shared Memory for Cluster Symmetric Multiprocessors”, Proceedings of the First IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Cluster Computing and the Grid, p.508-513
  27. Jyh-Biau Chang, Y.J. Tsai, C. K. Shieh, and P.C. Chung, Dec. 1998, “An Efficient Thread Architecture for a Distributed Shared Memory on Symmetric Multiprocessor Clusters”, Proceedings of the 1998 International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Systems, p.808-815.
  28. J. C. Ueng, C. K. Shieh, T. Y. Liang, and Jyh-Biau Chang, December 1997, “Efficient Synchronization Mechanisms for Multithreaded Distributed Shared Memory Systems”, National Computer Symposium, Taichung, Taiwan, pp. E158-E163.
  29. Jyh-Biau Chang, C. K. Shieh, and J. C. Ueng, May 1997, “C-thru: A Transparent DSM System Using User-Level Approach”, 1997 Workshop on Distributed System Technologies & Applications, Tainan, Taiwan, pp. 652-659.