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資訊群組 : admin




職級: 副教授

姓名: 蔡林憲

E-Mail: ginggle@gm.lhu.edu.tw

研究室: C3114

分機號碼: (02)82093211 轉5614


  • 國立台灣科技大學電子工程研究所系統組博士
  • 國立台灣科技大學電子工程研究所系統組碩士
  • 國立台灣工業技術學院電子工程技術系學士

三、 現職及與專長相關之經歷

  • 龍華科技大學電子工程系副教授 100/2 至 迄今
  • 龍華科技大學電子工程系助理教授 94/8 至 100/2
  • 中華電信行動通信分公司工程師 85/9 至 94/8
  • 逢甲大學電機系兼任助理教授 93/9 至 94/1
  • 經濟部無線通信人才培訓班講師 93/4 至 93/9
  • 南山中學資訊科講師 88/9 至 89/6
  • 聯強國際產品維護部工程師 88/11 至 82/9


  • 電波領域:微波電路、電磁理論、電波傳播、天線理論、電磁數值分析、電磁相容及電波模擬軟體 (ADS 、 IE3D 、 SONET 及 HFSS)。
  • 信號處理領域 : 數位信號處理、數位信號處理實習 (MALAB 軟體 )、調適信號處理。
  • 研究領域包括 WCDMA 網路的無線資源管理以及 WLAN與 3G 互聯相關技術等。參與WCDMA 基地台設置及系統優化,研究的方向將著重於無線通訊終端與系統之設計與建置的實際問題。


  1. 專利名稱: 「離散時域技術阻抗轉換器多頻帶電路匹配方法」,發明人:蔡林憲,發明專利證書號為:I610535,通過時間為2018年1月1日。


  1. 非對稱耦合線微波濾波器及方向耦合器製作,主持人,95/8-96/7,科技部。
  2. 多導體共模及差模電流分佈分析,主持人,97/8-98/7,科技部。
  3. IEEE 802.16j網路中最低延遲路徑之選擇機制,共同主持人,98/8-99/7,科技部。
  4. 降低通信系統的雜訊準位問題之研究,主持人,101/8-102/7,科技部。
  5. 利用離散時域方法及設計製作自關函數運算器、希爾伯轉換器、可調式帶通及帶斥濾波器,主持人,102/8-103/7,科技部。
  6. 單埠網路Z域轉移函數於多頻帶匹配電路之應用及耦合傳輸線多頻帶濾波器設計,主持人,103/8-104/7,科技部。


(A) 期刊論文

  1. Lin-Chuan Tsai*, “Design and Implementation of a Three-Section Transmission Line Transformer,” Iranian Journal of Science and Technology, Transactions of Electrical Engineering, vol. 58, no. 11, pp. 1-5. 2018. (SCI) NSC 102-2221-E-262-002.
  2. Lin-Chuan Tsai*, “A ultrawideband antenna with dual-band band-notch filters,” MICROWAVE AND OPTICAL TECHNOLOGY LETTERS, vol. 59, no. 8, pp.844-848, 2017. (SCI)
  3. Lin-Chuan Tsai*, “Application of Microwave Integrators for Interference Suppression,” Progress in Electromagnetic Research, vol. 72, pp. 167-171, 2017. (SCI)
  4. Lin-Chuan Tsai*, “Design of Triple-Band Impedance Transformers Using Z-transform Techniques,” IEEE Microwave and Wireless Components Letters, vol. 26, no. 8, pp. 559-561, Aug. 2016. (SCI)
  5. Lin-Chuan Tsai*, “Bandwidth Enhancement in CPW-Fed Slot Antennas Designed for WCDMA/WLAN/WiMAX Applications,” IET Microw., Antennas Propag., , vol. 8, iss. 10, pp. 724-729. 2014. (SCI) NSC 102-2221-E-262-002.
  6. Lin-Chuan Tsai*, “Design of Triple-band T-U-Shaped CPW-Fed Slot Antennas,” Design and Implementation of a Three-Section Transmission Line Transformer, vol. 56, no. 4, pp.844-848. (SCI). NSC 102-2221-E-262-002.
  7. Lin-Chuan Tsai*, “A dual-Band Bow-Tie-Shaped CPW-fed Slot Antenna for WLAN Applications,” Progress in Electromagnetic Research, vol. 47, pp. 167-171, 2014. (SCI) NSC 102-2221-E-262-002.
  8. Lin-Chuan Tsai*, “A compact dual-passband filter using stepped-impedance resonators,” Microwave and Optical Technology Letters., vol. 55d, no. 10, pp. 2514-2517, Oct. 2013. (SCI)
  9. Lin-Chuan Tsai*, “COMPACT MICROSTRIP DUAL-PASSBAND FILTERS BASED ON STEPPED-IMPEDANCE RESONATORS,”Microwave and Optical Technology Letters., vol. 55, no. 6, pp. 1230-1233, June 2013. (SCI)
  10. Lin-Chuan Tsai*, “SPURIOUS PASS-BAND SUPPRESSION IN COUPLED-SERIAL-SHUNTED LINES WIDEBAND BAND-PASS FILTERS,” Progress In Electromagnetics Research C, Vol. 28, 83-97, 2012 (SCI)
  11. Lin-Chuan Tsai*, “Miniature Bandpass Filters With Stepped-impedance Resonators,” Microwave and Optical Technology Letters., vol. 53, no. 5, pp. 1167-1170, May 2012. (SCI)
  12. Lin-Chuan Tsai* and Han-Sheng Fang, “Design and Implementation of Second-Order Microwave Integrators,”Microwave and Optical Technology Letters., vol. 53, no. 9, pp. 1983-1986, Sept. 2011. (SCI) impact factor 0.656
  13. Lin-Chuan Tsai* and Han-Sheng Fang, “Equal-length Coupled-serial-shunted Lines Band-pass Filters with Suppression of the Second Harmonic,”  Microwave and Optical Technology Letters., vol. 53, no. 9, pp. 2068-2072, Sept. 2011. (SCI) impact factor 0.656
  14. Lin-Chuan Tsai*, “Harmonic Pass-band Suppression in Coupled-serial-shunted Lines Elliptic Band-pass Filters,” Microwave and Optical Technology Letters., vol. 52, no. 5, pp. 1177-1179, May 2010. (SCI) impact factor 0.656
  15. Lin-Chuan Tsai* and Yi-Ting Wu, “Time-Constant Control Analysis of Microwave Differentiators,” IEE Microw., Antennas Propag., vol. 3, iss. 7, pp. 1044-1050. Oct. 2009. (SCI) impact factor 1.077
  16. Lin-Chuan Tsai* and Kuo-Chih Chu, “Design of First-Order Differentiator and Integrator Using Bilinear Transformations,” IEICE Trans. on Fund., vol. E92-A, no. 3, pp. 928-931, Mar. 2009. (SCI) impact factor 0.366
  17. Lin-Chuan Tsai* and Kuo-Chih Chu, “Design of Band-stop Filters Using Discrete-Time Domain Techniques,” IEICE Trans. on Comm., vol. E91-B, no. 12, pp. 3899-3903, Dec. 2008. (SCI) impact factor 0.427
  18. Lin-Chuan Tsai* and Kuo-Chih Chu, “Design of Low-pass Filters Using Discrete-Time Domain Techniques,” IEICE Trans. on Comm., vol. E91-B, no. 10, pp. 3162-3165, Oct. 2008. (SCI) impact factor 0.427
  19. Lin-Chuan Tsai*, “Design of Band-pass Filters Using Parallel Coupled Lines and Discrete-Time Domain Techniques,” Journal of Lunghwa, vol. 23, pp.59-67, Sep. 2007.
  20. Ching-Wen Hsue, Lin-Chuan Tsai and Yi-Hsien Tsai, “Time-Constant Control of Microwave Integrators Using Transmission Lines,” IEEE Trans. Microwave Theory Tech. vol. 54, pp. 1043-1047, MARCH 2006. (SCI) impact factor 2.027
  21. Ching-Wen Hsue, Lin-Chuan Tsai and Shih-Tsung Kan, “Implementation of a Trapezoidal-Rule Microwave Integrator,” Microwave and Optical Technology Letters., vol. 48, pp. 822-825, April 2006. (SCI) impact factor 0.568

(B) 研討會論文

  1. Lin-Chuan Tsai, " A QUASI-HORN ANTENNA AND THEIR APPLICATIONS TO LTE BAND," 2019 Symposium on Digital Life Technologies, June 30, 2019, Kaohsiung, Taiwan, R.O.C.
  2. Lin-Chuan Tsai and Wen-Cheng Lai, " DESIGN OF MONOPOLE ANTENNAS WITH TWO F-SHAPED RESONATORS," 2019 Symposium on Digital Life Technologies, June 30, 2019, Kaohsiung, Taiwan, R.O.C.
  3. Lin-Chuan Tsai and Sheng-Ji Zhao, " A RECONFIGURABLE FREQUENCY MIMO ANTENNA FOR LONG-TERM EVOLUTION HANDHELD DEVICES," 2018 Symposium on Digital Life Technologies, June 30, 2018, Taichung, Taiwan, R.O.C.
  4. Lin-Chuan Tsai* and Min-Jie Chuang, "Design of Compact Dual-Passband Filters Using Stepped-Impedance Resonators," 2017 Conference on Photonics and communications, Oct. 26, 2017, Kaohsiung, Taiwan, R.O.C.
  5. Lin-Chuan Tsai* and Wei-Jie Chen, " A Band-Notched UWB Antenna Using Slot-type Split Ring Resonators," 2016 Conference on Photonics and communications, June. 26, 2016, Chayi, Taiwan, R.O.C.
  6. Lin-Chuan Tsai and Min-Jie Chuang, "A Multi-Band CPW-Fed Monopole Antenna," 2012 Conference on Photonics and communications, Oct. 26, 2012, Kaohsiung, Taiwan, R.O.C.
  7. Lin-Chuan Tsai*, “A Novel Class of Digital Filters,” The 8th International Conference on wireless Communications, Networking and Mobile Computing, Sept. 21-23, 2012 Shanghi, China. (EI Paper)
  8. Kuo-Chih Chu, Tzu-Chi Huang, Lin-Chuan Tsai, “A Path Selection Scheme Designed for Best-Effort Data Delivery in IEEE 802.16j Networks,” The 7th International Conference on wireless Communications, Networking and Mobile Computing, Sept. 23-25, 2011 Wuhan, China. (EI Paper)
  9. Lin-Chuan Tsai*, Shu-Cian Jheng, and Kou-Chih Chu, “Miniaturized Open-loop Stepped-impedance Resonator for Microwave Filters,” The 7th International Conference on wireless Communications, Networking and Mobile Computing, Sept. 23-25, 2011 Wuhan, China. (EI Paper)
  10. Lin-Chuan Tsai*, “Design of Dual-band Bandpass Filters Using Stepped-Impedance Resonators,” The International Workshop on Electrical Engineering and Automation Control, pp.6602-6605, Aug. 8-10, 2011 Henan, China (EI Paper)
  11. Lin-Chuan Tsai* and Han-Sheng Fang, “Novel Class of Second-Order Integrators,” Ming Chuan Univ. International Conference on Information Technoligies and Practices, pp. 19-28, Tao-Yuan, Taiwan, March 2011.
  12. Lin-Chuan Tsai* and Han-Sheng Fang, “Microstrip Bandpass Filters with Second Harmonic Passband Suppression,” Ming Chuan Univ. International Conference on Information Technoligies and Practices, pp. 19-28, Tao-Yuan, Taiwan, March 2011.
  13. Lin-Chuan Tsai*, “Approach of Linear Phase Differentiators and Integrators,” The International Conference on Wireless Communications and Signal Processing 2010, Oct. 21-23., Suzhou, China. (EI Paper)
  14. Lin-Chuan Tsai*, “Wideband Band-pass Filters with Spurious Band Suppression,” The International Conference on Wireless Communications and Signal Processing 2010, Oct. 21-23., Suzhou, China. (EI Paper)
  15. Lin-Chuan Tsai*, “Design and Implementation of Microwave Amplifiers With Matching Transformers ,” The International Conference on Wireless Communications and Signal Processing 2010, Oct. 21-23., Suzhou, China. (EI Paper)
  16. Lin-Chuan Tsai* and Shu-Cian Jheng, “Miniaturized Open-loop Stepped-impedance Resonator for Microwave Filters,” Proceedings of the Fifth Intelligent Living Technology Conference 2010, pp. 173-177, June 4-6, Taichung, Taiwan.
  17. Lin-Chuan Tsai*, “Matching Networks Synthesis Using Small Reflection Theory,” The International Conference on Wireless Communications and Signal Processing, pp. 19-28, Nanjing, China, Nov. 2009. (EI)
  18. Lin-Chuan Tsai*, “Harmonic Pass-band Suppression in Coupled-serial-shunted Lines Elliptic Band-pass Filters,” The International Conference on Wireless Communications and Signal Processing 2009, Nov. 13-15., Nanjing, China. (EI Paper)
  19. Kuo-chih Chu, Yi-Hung Chen, and Lin-Chuan Tsai, “Priority Bandwidth Request Scheme in IEEE802.16j Networks,” The International Conference on Wireless Communications and Signal Processing, Nanjing, China, Nov. 2009. (EI)
  20. Lin-Chuan Tsai* and Sheng-Wei Wu, “Low Noise Amplifiers Synthesis Utilizing Chebyshev Matching Transformers,” The 7th International Conference on Communication Applications, pp. 202-205, March 2009.
  21. Lin-Chuan Tsai* and Ming-Lu Lee, “Coupled-Serial-Shunted Microstrip Filters with Suppression of the Second Harmonic,” Ming Chuan Univ. International Academic Conference, pp. 19-28, Tao-Yuan, Taiwan, March 2009.
  22. Lin-Chuan Tsai* and Yi-Ting Wu, “Time-Constant Control of Microwave Differentiators Using Transmission Lines and Z-Transform Technique,” National Symposium of Telecommunications, Dec. 2008.
  23. Lin-Chuan Tsai* and Sheng-Wei Wu, “Design of First-Order Differentiator and Integrator Using Bilinear Transformation,” Ming Chuan Univ. International Academic Conference, pp. 140-149, Tao-Yuan, Taiwan, April. 2008.
  24. I-Fong Chen, Lin-Chuan Tsai and Wen-Yuen Lo, “The investigation of notebook antenna design for WLAN & WiMAX application,” ILT2008 Proceedings of the Third Intelligent Living Technology Conference, pp. 146-151, Taichung, Taiwan, June. 2008.
  25. Lin-Chuan Tsai* and Ming-Lu Lee, “Design of Low-pass Filters Using Three and Two Section Stubs,” Proceeding of 2007 IEEE EDSSC Conference, pp. 729-732, Tainan, Taiwan, Dec. 2007.

(C) 專書及專書論文

  1. Application of FDTD method to analyze characteritices of parallel-plate cavity resonators from VLSI heatsink configurations
  2. Filters Synthesis Using Equal-length Coupled-Serial-Shunted Lines and Z-transform Technique