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資訊群組 : admin




職級: 副教授


E-Mail: pp022@gm.lhu.edu.tw

研究室: C3132

分機號碼: 5632

到校服務日期: 97年8月

  • 中原大學電子研究所資訊組博士 92/9-97/1
  • 中原大學資訊工程研究所碩士 87/9-89/7
  • 國立臺灣大學農業推廣系推廣教育組學士 82/9-86/7

三、 現職及與專長相關之經歷

  • 龍華科技大學電子工程系副教授 108/8~訖今
  • 龍華科技大學電子工程系助理教授        97/9~103/7
  • 龍華科技大學資訊網路工程系兼任講師        93/9~97/6
  • 新竹台晶科技設計部設計工程師    91/9~92/9
  • 新竹智邦科技硬體ㄧ部研發工程師    89/7~91/7
  • 龍華科技大學電子工程系教師兼任副主任  107/2/1~108/1/31
  • 龍華科技大學教務處課務組教師兼任組長  101/2/1~102/7/31


  • 輪型機器人應用於科學教育
  • 演算法設計與分析
  • 物件導向程式設計
  • 網路工程


  1. 參與教育部委託淡江大學學習與教學中心辦理之「101-102年大專校院數位學習人才培訓及推廣服務計畫(北區) 」種子教師擴散小組培訓計畫,達成各項考核標準,完成擴散教師培訓課程。


  1. 專利名稱: 「隨插即用與互動模組配對之創意學習電子教具」,發明人有:黃信雄,蘇景暉,李齊雄,林聖紘,游宗諭,廖啟賓,發明專利證書號為:I517110,通過時間為2016年1月11日。


  1. 數位邏輯能力認證監評委員,發照機構為台灣嵌入式暨單晶片系統發展協會,證照字號TDD090117 。
  2. 數位邏輯能力認證丙級,發照機構為台灣嵌入式暨單晶片系統發展協會,證照字號TDC090117。
  3. 雙軌訓練旗艦計畫,微科技職類監評人員,發照機構行政院勞委會職訓局泰山職業訓練中心。
  4. ACA Photoshop CS5證照,發照機構為Adobe Systems Incorporated。
  5. Microsoft Technology Associate: Windows® MTA Operating System Fundamentals,發照機構為Microsoft,證書號碼為D724-8645。
  6. Microsoft Technology Associate: Windows® MTA Networking Fundamentals ,發照機構為Microsoft,證書號碼為D941-3846。  
  7. Microsoft Technology Associate: Windows® MTA Security Fundamentals,發照機構為Microsoft,證書號碼為D946-6465。
  8. Microsoft Technology Associate: Windows® MTA Server Administration Fundamentals,發照機構為Microsoft,證書號碼為E035-9887。
  9. Microsoft Technology Associate: Windows® MTA Development Fundamentals Certification,發照機構為Microsoft,證書號碼為E040-6453。
  10. CCEA電腦專業能力認證監評委員,發照機構為中華民國電腦教育發展協會,電教監評證字第(101)12074號。
  11. 電腦文書處理專業認證(Word, Excel, 中打和英打),發照機構為中華民國電腦教育發展協會,電教證字第9239436號。
  12. CompTIA Strata IT Fundamentals國際認證,發照單位:CompTIA(美國計算機行業協會),2013年。
  13. 初級物流運籌人才-倉儲與運輸管理認證考試,發照單位:中華民國物流協會,物協證字第(倉)201300XX號,2013年考取。
  14. GS1國際條碼之追蹤追溯應用認證_基礎,2015年5月30日,發照機構為GS1 Taiwan,證書號15053001001。
  15. 職場倫理認證,台灣創新科技管理發展協會,2015年5月23日,證書號:15-A-WE-00-ITM-886000056。
  16. Microsoft Technology Associate: Windows® MTA database administration Fundamentals  Certification,發照機構為Microsoft,2017年1月5日,證書號碼avrL-s2os。
  17. TQC+ 軟體開發知識認證,發照機構為財團法人電腦技能基金會,2016年12月28日,證書號碼212170100001900。
  18. NCDA 國際生涯發展諮詢師,發照機構為PAC測驗發展公司,2016年9月。
  19. Microsoft Technology Associate: Windows® MTA Cloud Fundamentals,發照機構為Microsoft,2018年1月11日,證書號碼H8Rs-XMDd  。
  20. Microsoft Technology Associate: Windows® MTA HTML5 Application Development Fundamentals,發照機構為Microsoft,2018年1月16日,證書號碼EMrQ-XVa2。
  21. Microsoft Technology Associate: Windows® MTA Introduction to Programming using Python,發照機構為Microsoft,2018年8月22日,證書號碼SUJY-uSHL。


  1. 98學年期間,與台灣嵌入式暨單晶片系統發展協會進行產學合作乙案,產學合內容為設計「數位邏輯丙級數位教材」,執行期間為民國 99年2月25日起至民國99年7月12日止。
  2. 101年1月1日起,與「掌宇股份有限公司」進行企業實務研究計劃合作乙案,企業實務研究計畫內容為設計「智慧型循跡線迷宮鼠實驗平台研製」,執行期間為民國 101年1月1日起至民國101年11月31日止。
  3. 101年12月1日起,與凱立電子進行產學合作乙案,產學合作內容為設計「具Encoder之循線機器人研製」,執行期間為民國 101年12月1日起至民國102年5月31日止。
  4. 103年3月1日起,與堃喬電子股份有限公司進行產學合作乙案,產學合作內容為設計「履帶式具自主能力循跡自走車」,,執行期間為民國 103年3月1日起至民國103年11月30日止。
  5. 103年12月1日起,與隆達電子股份有限公司進行產學合作乙案,產學合作內容為設計「LED 照明之智能控制系統」,執行期間為民國 103年12月1日起至民國104年4月21日止(後展延至6月31日止)。
  6. 104年7月15日起,與隆達電子股份有限公司進行產學合作乙案,產學合作內容為設計「微控制器智能控制訓練課程」,,執行期間為民國 104年7月15日起至民國104年8月31日止。
  7. 106年1月1日起,與玉山精密塗佈股份有限公司進行產學合作乙案,產學合作內容為設計「實作辨識七段型數字之軟體應用程式」,執行期間為民國 106年1月1日起至民國106年6月30日止。
  8. 106年11月1日起,與三雄光學科技有限公司進行產學合作乙案,產學合作內容為設計「具動態辨識桌上型電腦雛型軟體」,執行期間為民國 106年11月1日起至民國107年4月30日止。


  1. 108年度:教育部108年度大專院校教學實踐研究計畫: 探討實作人工智慧遊戲系統以改善科大學生之學習成效-以電子專業課程為例       PEE1080301    主持人    2019/08/01~ 2020/07/31
  2. 107年度應用科學教育學門:實作物聯網連結自走車並探討融入科大電子領域課程成效    MOST 107-2511-H-262-002       主持人    2018/08/01~ 2019/07/31
  3. 103年度應用科學教育學門:融入產業需求之多台機器人課程發展和教材教具規劃研究-探討技專校院電子領域    MOST 103-2511-S-262 -002 主持人    2014/08/01~ 2015/07/31
  4. 103年度:積木式智慧型控制模組研製        MOST 103-2221-E-262 -025 - 共同主持人    2014/08/01~ 2015/07/31
  5. 102年度: 競賽導向智慧輪型機器人研製及其在嵌入式數位控制系統學習之應用      NSC 102-2221-E-262-016-        共同主持人    2013/08/01~ 2014/07/31
  6. 101年度:高附加價值輪型機器人之教材教具實作    NSC 101-2511-S-262-002        共同主持人    2012/08/01~ 2013/07/31
  7. 101年度:大專生國科會計畫-具兩功能輪型機器人的教材教具       NSC101-2815-C-262-021-E     指導老師        2012/07/01~  2013/02/28
  8. 100年度:具效能與連線互擾考量之3D繞線樹構建演算法      NSC100-2221-E-262-005-       主持人        2011/08/01~ 2012/07/31
  9. 99年度:結合模組變形技術最小化晶片面積和關鍵路徑效能之3D平面規劃        NSC 99 - 2221 - E - 262   主持人    2010/08/01~ 2011/07/31
  10. 99年度:產業需求導向的線迷宮鼠教材與教具實作  NSC 99-2511-S-262-003- 共同主持人    2010/08/01~  2011/07/31
  11. 98年度:考量電子漂移和障礙物限制之電流導向線路佈線設計      NSC 98-2221-E-262 -015 主持人    2009/08/1~ 2010/07/31


  1. 2009年教育部主辦之「技專校院國際科技藝能大賽人工智慧單晶片電腦鼠暨機器人國內及國際邀請賽」,獲得「電腦鼠及機器人設計創意競賽」:第一名佳績(探索者,楊嘉隆,黃于哲)。
  2. 2010年教育部主辦之「技專校院國際科技藝能大賽人工智慧單晶片電腦鼠暨機器人國內及國際邀請賽」,獲得「電腦鼠及機器人設計創意競賽」:第二名佳績(倉鼠HUMSTER,黃于哲,楊嘉隆)。
  3. 2010年龍華科技大學舉辦,第三屆電子盃競速自走車競賽:佳作(奈米胖啾啾,賴宗遠, 徐正彥, 周志憲)。
  4. 2010年龍華科技大學舉辦,第三屆電子盃競速自走車競賽:佳作(胖胖奈米啾,徐正彥,賴宗遠,周志憲)。
  5. 2011年中國工程職業教育學會舉辦,電腦鼠走迷宮 C組:佳作(施凱翔,游奕謙,許天翼)。
  6. 2011年龍華科技大學舉辦,大學生專題製作競賽,龍華科大電資學院:第三名(李俊宏,童韋綸)。
  7. 2011年TEMI舉辦,遙控車踢足球競賽:佳作(徐正彥,葉家源,翁茂峻)。
  8. 2011年TEMI舉辦,具搜尋功能的線迷宮車:佳作(童韋綸)。
  9. 2012年龍華科技大學大學生專題製作競賽,龍華科大電資學院:第二名(施凱翔,黃俊偉,許天翼)。
  10. 2012年教育部,全國智慧型機器人創意設計製作大賽 線迷宮鼠A2:第三名(Mouse_pang,徐正彥,徐凱荃)
  11. 2012年教育部,全國智慧型機器人創意設計製作大賽,線迷宮鼠 A2:佳作(Mouse_LKY,符信茂,林聖紘)
  12. 2012年教育部舉辦人工智慧單晶片電腦鼠暨機器人國內及國際邀請賽,人工智慧線迷宮鼠 (大專組):第三名(小鬥士,徐正彥,王柏傑)。
  13. 2012年教育部舉辦人工智慧單晶片電腦鼠暨機器人國內及國際邀請賽,人工智慧線迷宮鼠 (大專組):佳作(吉祥鼠,符信茂,劉逢峻)。
  14. 2013年教育部舉辦「人工智慧單晶片電腦鼠暨機器人--競速自走車國內賽」:第一名(Lucky_car,符信茂、蔡易展)。
  15. 2013年教育部舉辦「人工智慧單晶片電腦鼠暨機器人-競速自走車國際邀請賽」:第二名(Lucky_car,符信茂,蔡易展)。
  16. 2013年台南職訓中心舉辦「2013全國自走車競速大賽」A2組:第一名(符信茂,徐正彥, 施凱翔,蔡欣翰)
  17. 2013年教育部舉辦「101學年度全國大學校院智慧電子創新應用與設計競賽3C電子創意組」:優等。
  18. 2014 年維也納「榮獲RobotChallenge 2014 競速自走車障礙國際賽第一名」:第一名(符信茂))。
  19. 2014年教育部舉辦「人工智慧單晶片電腦鼠暨機器人--競速自走車國內賽」:第一名(施凱翔)
  20. 2014年日本自走車競賽The 35th All Japan Micromouse:NTF主辦之Robotrace項目:第二名。
  21. 2014年台南職訓中心舉辦「2014全國自走車競速大賽」A2組:佳作(施凱翔)。


  1. 優良導師  98學年第1學期
  2. 優良導師  106學年
  3. 優良導師分享經驗  2019.9.12 第一次教師知能研習
  4. 教學優良教師(傑出教學獎)  103學年度
  5. 教學優良教師(傑出教學獎)  106學年度


(A) 期刊論文

  1. Hsin-Hsiung Huang*, “Apply Flipped Classroom Method for IOT-Robot Course – Investigate   Electronic Students’ Learning Outcomes,” submitted to Sustainability, 2019. [SSCI]
  2. Hsin-Hsiung Huang*, “Integrate Long-Hour Course and Dual Learning Materials to Improve Students’ Outcomes in an Electronic Course,” in International Journal of Information and Education Technology (IJIET), Vol.9, No.6, pp.408-413, June 2019. [EI]
  3. Hsin-Hsiung Huang*, Juing-Huei Su, and Chyi-Shyong Lee, “Low-Cost and Effective Student-Orientation Mastery Learning Simulator for Programming Course,” in International Journal of Information and Education Technology (IJIET), Vol. 7, No. 3, pp. 179-183, March, 2017 [EI]
  4. Hsin-Hsiung Huang*, Juing-Huei Su, and Chyi-Shyong Lee, “Students-Orientation Software-based Method for Learning Multiple Robots Cooperative Operation,” the International Journal of Circuits, Systems and Signal Processing, ISSN: 1998-4464, Volume 10, pp. 208-214, 2016. (MOST 103-2511-S-262 -002 -)
  5. Hsin-Hsiung Huang , Juing-Huei Su, and Chyi-Shyong Lee, “A Contest-Oriented Project for Learning Intelligent Mobile Robots,”  IEEE Transactions on Education, , pp. 88-97 , Feb. 2013 [SCI/EI]
  6. Hsin-Hsiung Huang*, Juing-Huei Su ,Chyi-Shyong Lee, Yi-Wei Chang and Jheng-Yan Syu, 2012, “Dealing with Loop-based Map by Line Maze Robot Training Kit,” in Proc. of 2012 International Conference on Mechatronics and Control Engineering (ICMCE2012), Guangzhou, China, Applied Mechanics and Materials (A.M.M.), Volumes 278-280, pp.2187-2190, January 2013. [EI] (NSC 101-2511-S-262-002)
  7. Chyi-Shyong Lee, Juing-Huei Su,  Hsin-Hsiung Huang* and  Sin-Mao Fu, “Line Maze Robot Training Course for the Senior High School Students,” in Proc. of 2012 International Conference on Mechatronics and Control Engineering(ICMCE 2012), Guangzhou, China, Applied Mechanics and Materials (A.M.M.), Volumes 278-280, pp2156-2159, January 2013. [EI] (NSC 101-2511-S-262-002)
  8. Hsin-Hsiung Huang* and Tsai-Ming Hsieh, “3D Partitioning for Interference and Area Minimization,”  International Journal of Circuits, Systems and Signal Processing, Issue 6, Volume 5, pp.635-642, Oct. 2011 [EI] (NSC 99-2221-E-262 -027)
  9. Hsin-Hsiung Huang*, Jui-Hung Hung, Cheng-Chiang Lin, and Tsai-Ming Hsieh, “Wire Planning for Electromigration and Interference Avoidance in Analog Circuits,” accepted by IEICE Transactions on Fundamentals of Electronics, Communications, and Computer Sciences, Vol.E94-A, No.11, pp.2402-2411, Nov.2011. (SCI/EI Journal) (NSC 98-2221-E-262 -015)
  10. Juing-Huei Su, Chyi-Shyong Lee, Hsin-Hsiung Huang*, and Cheng-Yu Huang, “A Micromouse Kit for Teaching Autonomous Mobile Robots,” in the International Journal of Electrical Engineering Education, pp.188-201, Dec. 2011. [SCI/EI]
  11. Hsin-Hsiung Huang*, Chyi-Shyong Lee, Juing-Huei Su, Chia-Lung Yang and Tsai-Ming Hsieh, “Industry-Orientation Training Course by Line Following Maze Robot,” in International Journal of Education and Information Technologies, pp. 105-112, 2011.(NSC99-2511-S-262-003)
  12. Juing-Huei Su, Chyi-Shyong Lee, Hsin-Hsiung Huang*, Sheng-Hsiung Chuang and Chih-Yuan Lin, “An Intelligent Line-Following-Robot Project for Introductory Robot Courses,” to appear in the World Transactions on Engineering & Technology Education (WTE&TE), Vol.8, No.4, pp.455-461, 2010.
  13.  Jui-Hung Hung, Yao-Kai Yeh, Yu-Cheng Lin, Hsin-Hsiung Huang* and Tsai-Ming Hsieh, “ECO-Aware Obstacle-Avoiding Routing Tree Algorithm,” WSEAS Transactions on Circuits and Systems (2010), Issue 9, Volume 9, pp. 567-576, Sep. 2010. (EI Journal)
  14. H. C. Chen, H. H. Huang* and T. M. Hsieh, “Integer Linear Programming-based ECO Approach with Wire Length Consideration,”  in Journal of Advanced Engineering, Vol. 5, No. 4, pp. 347-355, 2010.
  15. H.A. Chien, C.C. Lin, Hsin-Hsiung Huang*, and T.M. Hsieh, “Optimal Supply Voltage Assignment under Timing, Power and Area Constraints,” IEICE Transactions on Fundamentals of Electronics, Communications, and Computer Sciences, Vol.E93, NO4, pp. 761-768, 2010/4. (SCI/EI Journal)
  16. S.P Chang, H.H. Huang*, C.C. Lin, and T.M. Hsieh (2009), “Timing-Driven X-Architecture Routing Tree Construction Among Rectangular and Non-Rectangular Obstacles,” in WSEAS Transactions on Circuits and Systems, Issue 6, Volume 8, pp. 433-442, June 2009. (EI Journal)
  17. Yu-Cheng Lin, Ming-Hua Lin, Hsin-Hsiung Huang*, Lu-Yao Lee (2009), "Using Simulated Annealing Algorithm for Maximizing Social Utility in Dynamic Spectrum Management," in WSEAS Transactions on Communications, Issue 7, Volume 8, pp 638~647. 2009. (EI Journal)
  18. Yu-Cheng Lin, Shin-Jia Chen, Ping-Liang Chen and Hsin-Hsiung Huang* (2008); “An Enhanced Congestion-Driven Rectilinear-based Floorplanning,” WSEAS Transaction on Circuits and Systems, Issue 8, Volume 7 pp. 811-821, Aug. 2008.(EI Journal)
  19. Yu-Cheng Lin, Hsin-Hsiung Huang*, Cheng-Chiang Lin and Tsai-Ming Hsieh (2008); “Optimal Voltage Assignment Approach for Low Power Using ILP,” WSEAS Transaction on Circuits and Systems, Issue 7, Volume 7, pp. 728-737, July 2008. (EI Journal)
  20. Hsin-Hsiung Huang*, Hui-Yu Huang, De-Jing Huang, Tsai-Ming Hsieh (2006); “Efficient Obstacle-Avoiding Rectilinear Steiner Tree Construction Algorithms”, WSEAS Transactions on Circuits and Systems, Vol.5, No.12, pp.1775-1782, 2006/11. (EI Journal).
  21. Hsin-Hsiung Huang*, Chung-Chiao Chang, Chih-Yuan Lin, Chih-Hung Lee, Tsai-Ming Hsieh (2006); “Congestion-Driven Floorplanning by Adaptive Modular Shaping”, Journal of Advanced Engineering, Vol.1 , No.1 pp 31-43, 2006/7.

(B) 研討會論文

  1. 龍華科技大學推動教師多元升等2017教學實務報告研討會, pp.73-86, Jun. 23, 2017.
  2. Chung-Chiao Chang, Hsin-Hsiung Huang*, Chih-Yuan Lin, Tsai-Ming Hsieh (2004), ”Congestion-Driven Floorplanning by Adaptive Module Shaping,” in 15-th VLSI Design/CAD Symposium, Taiwan, 2004/8.
  3. Hsin-Hsiung Huang, “Explore the Students Learning Outcome by Applying the Software and Hardware-based Artificial Intelligent Teaching Materials – Consider Experienced Students in Electronic Engineering Field,” 2019年第十四屆中華商管科技學會年會暨學術研討會,Nov. 29, 2019.
  4. 黃信雄*, 蘇景暉,李齊雄,陳建翔, “Implementation of Robotic Vision by Integration Image Recognition into Raspberry Pi-based Wheeled Robot,” in 第32屆電腦視覺、圖學與影像處理研討會(CVGIP2019), Aug. 25-27, 2019.
  5. 黃信雄*, 蘇景暉,李齊雄,褚有剛, “辨識七段型數字應用軟體之設計與實作,”台灣機電工程國際學會2019年會暨第四屆全國學術研討會, Feb. 15-16, 2019.
  6. 黃信雄*,李齊雄, 蘇景暉, “整合低價教具與精熟學習之教學實務研究於科技大學網路課程,”
  7. 蘇景暉, 李齊雄,黃信雄,吳昭毅,“CAN匯流排在競速計時系統上之應用,” 2017數位生活科技研討會, 台灣嘉義國立嘉義大學, Jun. 24~25, 2017.
  8. 洪瑞鴻, 李齊雄, 蘇景暉,黃信雄,“教學導向之輪型機器人設計與實作,” 2017數位生活科技研討會, 台灣嘉義國立嘉義大學, Jun. 24~25, 2017.
  9. 蘇景暉,李齊雄,黃信雄*,蔡易展, “手持式無線控制裝置在工業上的應用,” 2016 Workshop on Consumer Electronics (2016民生電子研討會), 台灣花蓮東華大學, Nov. 19, 2016.
  10. 蘇景暉,黃信雄*,李齊雄,林育志, “應用輪型機器人實作技能於NXP Cup智慧車競速賽,” 2016 National Conference on Advanced Robotics, 台灣台北南港, Aug. 31-Sep. 2, 2016.
  11. 蘇景暉,李齊雄,黃信雄*,劉逢峻, “追循式紅外線感測模組-循跡競速自走車應用,” 2016 National Conference on Advanced Robotics, 台灣台北南港, Aug. 31-Sep. 2, 2016.
  12. 李齊雄,蘇景暉,黃信雄*,林軒聖, “具吸地機構的自走車設計與實作,” 2015 Workshop on Consumer Electronics (2015民生電子研討會) , 台灣彰化, Nov. 28, 2015.
  13. Hsin-Hsiung Huang*, Juing-Huei Su, Chyi-Shyong Lee, Kai-Hsiang Shih, “Implement a Lookup-based Speed Controller for Line Following Robot,” 2014工程與電資科技應用學術研討會2014 Proc. of Engineering and Technology Applications, 台灣中壢,  pp.246-249, Dec 18, 2014.
  14. Hsin-Hsiung Huang*, Juing-Huei Su, Chyi-Shyong Lee, Kai-HsiangShih, Jheng-Yan Syu, “線迷宮鼠實作用於競賽現況與產學推廣應用,”  2014 National Conference on Advanced Robotics, June 6-June 8, 2014.
  15. Hsin-Hsiung Huang*, Juing-Huei Su, Chyi-Shyong Lee, and Sin-Mao Fu, “具避障功能競速自走車的設計製作與國際競賽現況,”  2014 National Conference on Advanced Robotics, June 6-June 8, 2014.
  16. Juing-Huei Su, Yu-Cheng Wu, Chyi-Shyong Lee, Hsin-Hsiung Huang* and Hsuan-Sheng Lin, “競速自走車的設計製作與國際競賽現況,”  2014 National Conference on Advanced Robotics, June 6-June 8, 2014.
  17. Hsin-Hsiung Huang*, Juing-Huei Su ,Chyi-Shyong Lee, Jheng-Yan Syu, Shih-Wei Chao and Yi-Wei Chang, “Implementation of the Line Maze Robot with Diagonal Motion Control,” submitted to Proc. of The 2014 Chinese Control and Decision Conference, pp. 2421-2425, May, 2014. (EI)
  18. Juing-Huei Su, Hsin-Hsiung Huang* and Chyi-Shyong Lee, “A Simple and Efficient Diagonal Maze-solver for Micromouse Contests and intelligent mobile robot education,” submitted to Proc. of The 2014 Chinese Control and Decision Conference, pp. 2407-2411, May, 2014. (EI)
  19. Juing-Huei Su, Hsin-Hsiung Huang* and Chyi-Shyong Lee, “Behaveior Model Simulations of Micromouse and its Application in Intelligent Mobile Robot Education,” accepted by Proc. of CACS International Automatic Control Conference, pp. xx, Dec, 2014. (NSC 102-2221-E-262 -016)
  20. Hsin-Hsiung Huang*, Juing-Huei Su ,Chyi-Shyong Lee,Yi-Wei Chang and Jheng-Yan Syu, “Dealing with Loop-based Map by Line Maze Robot Training Kit,” in Proc. of 2012 International Conference on Mechatronics and Control Engineering, pp.2187-2190, 2013. (EI) (NSC101-2511-S-262-002)
  21. Chyi-Shyong Lee, Juing-Huei Su,  Hsin-Hsiung Huang* and  Sin-Mao Fu, “Line Maze Robot Training Course for the Senior High School Students,” in Proc. of 2012 International Conference on Mechatronics and Control Engineering, pp.2156-2159, 2013. (EI) (NSC101-2511-S-262-002)
  22. Hsin-Hsiung Huang, Juing-Huei Su, Chyi-Shyong Lee, and Sin-Mao Fu, “A High Value-added Kit for Mobile Robot Education,” in Proc. of The 43rd International Symposium on Robotics, pp.820-823, 2012. 
  23. Juing-Huei Su, Chyi-Shyong Lee, Hsin-Hsiung Huang, and Sheng-Hong Lin, “An Educational Half-Size Micromouse for Learning Intelligent Mobile Robots,” in Proc. of The 43rd International Symposium on Robotics, pp. 800-803, 2012.
  24. Chyi-Shyong Lee, Juing-Huei Su, Hsin-Hsiung Huang, and Yu-Cheng Wu, “An Educational Robot for micromouse, line-maze, and robotrace,” in Proc. of The 43rd International Symposium on Robotics, pp. 816-819, 2012.
  25. Juing-Huei Su, Chyi-Shyong Lee, Hsin-Hsiung Huang, Shih-Wei Chao, Sheng-Hong Lin, Yu-Cheng Wu, “A versatile Kit for Teaching Intelligent Mobile Robots,” Proceedings of 14th FIRA RoboWorld Congress - Next Wave in Robotics, pp. 42-49, 2011.(EI)
  26. Pi-Hua Su, Hsin-Hsiung Huang* and Tsai-Ming Hsieh, “Timing- and Interference-Free Multi-layer Routing Tree,” in Proceedings. of the 54th IEEE Midwest Symposium on Circuits and Systems (2011MWSCAS),Seoul, Korea, 2011.(EI).(NSC100-2221-E-262-005)
  27. Hsin-Hsiung Huang*, Chyi-Shyong Lee, Juing-Huei Su, Chia-Lung Yang and Tsai-Ming Hsieh, “The Implementation of Shortest Path Algorithm for Line-Maze Robot,” in Proceedings of 2011 First Conference on Engineering Education, Taiwan, 2011.(NSC 99-2511-S-262-003-)  
  28. Chyi-Shyong Lee, Hsin-Hsiung Huang* and Pei-Jiun Huang, “The development and application of omni-directional robot platform in teaching robotics,” in Proceedings of 2011 First Conference on Engineering Education, Taiwan, 2011.
  29. Juing-Huei Su, Chyi-Shyong Lee, Hsin-Hsiung Huang*, Goi-Wei Cheng, & Chuan-Sian Fu, “The Application of MATLAB/SIMULINK in Intelligent Robot Education and Contests,” in Proceedings of 2011 First Conference on Engineering Education, Taiwan, 2011.
  30. Hsin-Hsiung Huang* and Tsai-Ming Hsieh, “3D Area-Aware Partitioning for Floorplanner,” Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Circuits, Systems and Signals, Corfu Island, Greece, 2011. (EI) (NSC 99-2221-E-262 -027)
  31. Chyi-Shyong Lee, Hsin-Hsiung Huang*, Juing-Huei Su, Yu-Jhe Huang and Tsai-Ming Hsieh, “Industry-based Training Course for Line Following Maze Robot Implementation,” in  Proceeding of 9th WSEAS International Conference on Education and Education Technology (EDU’10), pp. 298-302, 2010. (EI) (NSC99-2511-S-262-003)
  32. Juing-Huei Su, Chyi-Shyong Lee, and Hsin-Hsiung Huang*, “The application of micromouse and MATLAB in teaching autonomous mobile robots,” in Proceeding of 9th WSEAS International Conference on Education and Education Technology (EDU’10), pp.284-289, 2010. (EI)
  33. Jui-Hung Hung, Yao-Kai Yeh, Yu-Cheng Lin, Hsin-Hsiung Huang*, Tsai-Ming Hsieh, “X-Architecture Obstacles-Avoiding Routing with ECO Consideration,” in Proceedings of 14th WSEAS International Conference on CIRCUITS, pp. 133-138, 2010/7. (EI)
  34. Hsin-Hsiung Huang*, Juing-Huei Su, Chyi-Shyong Lee, Jheng-Yu Huang, and Sheng-His  Chuang, “Hands-on intelligent mobile robot laboratory with support from the industry,” in Proceedings of the 1st Annual Engineering Education Conference (EDUCON), 2010/4. (EI)
  35. Cheng-Chiang Lin, Hsin-Hsiung Huang*, His-An Chien, Tsai-Ming Hsieh, “Obstacle-Avoiding Electromigration Aware Wire Planning for Analog Circuits” in Proceedings of IEEE International Symposium on Integrated Circuits (ISIC 2009), pp. 651-654. 2009/12. (EI) (NSC 98-2221-E-262 -015)
  36. Chun-Hua Chung, His-An Chien, Hsin-Hsiung Huang*, and Tsai-Ming Hsieh “ILP-Based Optimal Multi-Threshold Voltages Assignment under Performance Constraints,” in Proceedings of IEEE International Symposium on Integrated Circuits (ISIC 2009), pp. 417-420. 2009/12. (EI)
  37. Juing-Huei Su, Sheng-Hsiung Chuang, Hsin-Hsiung Huang*, and Chyi-Shyong Lee, “The implementation of an advanced maze-solving and path planning algorithm for micromouse contests and robot education,” in Proceedings of International conference on Technology education, 2009/11.
  38. Juing-Huei Su, Sheng-Hsiung Chuang, Hsin-Hsiung Huang*, and Chyi-Shyong Lee, “An intelligent line-following-robot for introductory robot courses,” in Proceedings of International conference on Technology education, 2009/11.
  39. Cheng-Chiang Lin, Pei-Shan Wu, Jiun-Ying Yu, Yu-Cheng Lin, Hsin-Hsiung Huang* and Tsai-Ming Hsieh, “Graph-based Wire Planning for Analog Circuits,” in 2009 International Workshop on Computer Architecture, VLSI, and Embedded Systems (NCS2009), Taipei, Taiwan, 2009/11. (NSC 98-2221-E-262 -015)
  40. Hsin-Hsiung Huang*, Chyi-Shyong Lee, Juing-Huei Su, Chia-Lung Yang and Tsai-Ming Hsieh, “The Implementation of a Line Following Maze Robot for Mobile Robot System Courses,” in Proceedings of CACS International Automatic Control Conference (CACS/IACC 2009), 2009/11.
  41. Cheng-Chiang Lin, Hsin-Hsiung Huang*, Yu-Cheng Lin, and Tsai-Ming Hsieh, “Engineering Change Order-Driven Routing Tree Construction,” in 20th VLSI Design/CAD Symposium, 2009/8.
  42. Hsin-Hsiung Huang*, Shu-Ping Chang, Yu-Cheng Lin, and Tsai-Ming Hsieh, ”Timing-Driven Non-Rectangular Obstacles-Avoiding Routing Algorithm for the X-Architecture,” in Proceedings of 8th WSEAS International Conference on Instrumentation, Measurement, Circuits and Systems (IMCAS 2009), pp. 31-34, 2009/5. (EI)
  43. Yu-Cheng Lin, Ming-Hua Lin, Hsin-Hsiung Huang*, Lu-Yao Lee, ” A Simulated Annealing Approach for Social Utility Maximization in Dynamic Spectrum Management,” in 8th WSEAS International Conference on Instrumentation, Measurement, Circuits and Systems (IMCAS 2009), pp. 244-247, 2009/5. (EI)
  44. Hsin-Hsiung Huang*, Han-Chung Chen, Yu-Cheng Lin and Tsai-Ming Hsieh (2009), “Optimal Assignment for Multiple Supply Voltages under Timing-Constraints,” in 19th VLSI Design/CAD Symposium, 2008/8.
  45. Yu-Cheng Lin, Shin-Jia Chen, Ping-Liang Chen and Hsin-Hsiung Huang* (2008), “Congestion-Driven Floorplanning with Module Reshaping,” in Proceedings of 12th WSEAS International Conference on Circuits, pp.391-396, 2008/7. (EI)
  46. Yu-Cheng Lin, Cheng-Chiang Lin, Hsin-Hsiung Huang*, Tsai-Ming Hsieh (2008), “Optimal Dual Voltage Assignment Algorithm for Low Power under Timing-Constraints,” in Proceedings of 12th WSEAS International Conference on Circuits, Greece, pp. 202-205, 2008/7. (EI)
  47. Hsin-Hsiung Huang*, Hui-Yu Huang, Yu-Cheng Lin and Tsai-Ming Hsieh (2008), “Timing-Driven Obstacles-Avoiding Routing Tree Construction for A Multiple-layer System,” in Proceedings of IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS 2008), pp. 1200-1203,  Seattle, USA, 2008/5. (EI)
  48. Hsin-Hsiung Huang*, Shu-Ping Chang, Yu-Cheng Lin and Tsai-Ming Hsieh (2008), “Timing-Driven X-Architecture Router among Rectangular Obstacles,” in Proceedings of IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS 2008), pp. 1804-1807, Seattle, USA, 2008/5. (EI)
  49. Hsin-Hsiung Huang*, Yu-Cheng Lin, Hui-Yu Huang, Tsai-Ming Hsieh (2007);  “Partition-based Routing Tree Algorithm with Obstacles,” in Proceedings of IEEE International Symposium on Integrated Circuits (ISIC 2007), Singapore, pp. 576-579, 2007/9. (EI)
  50. Hsin-Hsiung Huang*, Shu-Ping Chang, De-Jing Huang, and Tsai-Ming Hsieh (2007);  “Timing-Driven Steiner Tree Construction among the Obstacles,” in Proceedings of IEEE International Symposium on Integrated Circuits (ISIC 2007), Singapore, pp.196-199, 2007/9.
  51. Hsin-Hsiung Huang*, Tung-Fu Chiu, Yu-Cheng Lin and Tsai-Ming Hsieh (2007);  “Large-Scale Timing-Driven Rectilinear Steiner Tree Construction in Presence of Obstacles,” in Proceedings of IEEE International Midwest Symposium on Circuits and Systems (MWSCAS 2007), Canada, pp.1122-1125, 2007/8.(EI)                                                           
  52. Hsin-Hsiung Huang*, Hui-Yu Huang, De-Jing Huang, Tsai-Ming Hsieh (2006); “An Efficient Rectilinear Steiner Tree Algorithm with Obstacles,” in Proceedings of the 5th WSEAS International on Circuits, Systems, Electronics, Control and Signal (CSECS 2006), pp. 54-59, Texas, USA.2006/11. (EI)
  53. Hsin-Hsiung Huang*, Yung-Ching Chen, Tsai-Ming Hsieh (2006); “A Congestion-Driven Buffer Planner with Space Reservation”, in Proceedings of IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS2006), pp. 5435-5438, Island of Kos, Greece, 2006/5. (EI)
  54. Hsin-Hsiung Huang*, Chung-Chiao Chang, Chih-Yuan Lin, Chih-Hung Lee, Tsai-Ming Hsieh; (2005); “Congestion-Driven Floorplanning by Adaptive Modular Shaping,” in Proceedings of IEEE Midwest Symposium on Circuits and Systems (MWSCAS 2005), pp.1067-1070, USA, 2005/8. (EI)
  55. Chin-Hui Wang, Chih-Hung Lee, Hsin-Hsiung Huang*, Yung-Ching Chen, Tsai-Ming Hsieh (2005);“A New Congestion and Crosstalk Aware Router,” in Proceedings of IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS2005), pp. 6234-6237, Kobe, Japan, 2005/5. (EI)
  56. Shu-Ping Chang, Hsin-Hsiung Huang*, Yu-Cheng Lin, and Tsai Ming Hsieh (2007); “A Timing-Driven X-Architecture Router with Obstacles,” in Proceedings of 18-th VLSI Design/CAD Symposium, Hua-lien, Taiwan,2007/8.
  57. De-Jing Huang, Chih-Hung Lee, Hsin-Hsiung Huang*, Tsai-Ming Hsieh (2006); “A Performance-Driven X-architecture Global Router,” in Proceedings of 17-th VLSI Design/CAD Symposium, Hua-lien, Taiwan, 2006/8.    
  58. Hsin-Hsiung Huang*, De-Jing Huang, Tsai-Ming Hsieh (2006); “Rectilinear Steiner Tree Construction with Obstacles,” 2006 International Workshop on Computer Architecture, VLSI, and Embedded Systems (ICS2006), Taipei, Taiwan, 2006/12.
  59. Yung-Ching Chen, Hsin-Hsiung Huang*, Tsai-Ming Hsieh (2005); “Congestion-Driven Buffer Planner with Space Reservation,” in Proceedings of 16-th VLSI Design/CAD Symposium, Hua-lien, Taiwan, 2005/8.

(C) 專書及專書論文

  1. "A Functional Decomposition Algorithm for Low Power Technology Mapping,” 碩士論文, 2000.
  2. "Study on Partition-Based Routing Problems in Electronic Design Automation”, 博士論文, 2008.
  3. 循跡迷宮鼠設計實務 / 蘇景暉, 李齊雄, 黃信雄著. -- 初版. -- 新北市 : 藍海文化, 2011.09 ISBN 978-986-6432-48-4(平裝)
  4. 電子專業專題實作導論, 黃信雄、李齊雄、蘇景暉著, --初版 –新北市 : 藍海文化, 2012.06.01, ISBN:978-986-643-259-0(平裝)
  5. 專題製作-線迷宮鼠 /周秀諫、黃信雄著. -- 初版. -- 新北市 : 全華圖書, 2013.04 ISBN 9789572187500 (平裝)

(D) 技術報告

  1. 黃信雄 (2009), “考量電子漂移和障礙物限制之電流導向線路佈線設計” , 國科會期末報告 , NSC 98-2221-E-262-015。
  2. 黃信雄 (2010), “結合模組變形技術最小化晶片面積和關鍵路徑效能之3D面規劃”, 國科會期末報告 , NSC 99-2221-E-262-027-。
  3. 黃信雄 (2011), “具效能與連線互擾考量之3D 繞線樹構建演算法”, 國科會期末報告, NSC 100-2221-E-262-005。
  4. 李齊雄和黃信雄 (2010),“產業需求導向的線迷宮鼠教材與教具實作” , 國科會期末報告 , NSC 99-2511-S-262-003。
  5. 黃信雄和李齊雄(2014), “LED 照明之智能控制系統”, 產學合作案期末報告。
  6. 黃信雄和李齊雄(2014), “微控制器智能控制訓練課程”, 產學合作案期末報告。
  7. 黃信雄和李齊雄(2014),“融入產業需求之多台機器人課程發展和教材教具規劃研究-探討技專校院電子領域” , 科技部期末報告 , MOST 103-2511-S-262 -002。
  8. 黃信雄和李齊雄(2018),“實作物聯網連結自走車並探討融入科大電子領域課程成效” , 科技部期末報告, MOST 107-2511-H-262-002。

