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資訊群組 : admin





姓名 :康振方

E-Mail : CFKang@mail.lhu.edu.tw

研究室 :F514

電話號碼 :(02)82093211 轉 5568 


  • 國立台灣大學光電工程所博士
  • 國立中正大學物理系暨研究所碩士
  • 私立東海大學物理系學士

三、 現職及與專長相關之經歷

  • 龍華科技大學電子工程系助理教授(111/09~)
  • 英屬蓋曼群島商科嘉國際股份有限公司研發經理(104/10~111/08)


  • 電阻式記憶體
  • 人機視覺系統
  • 自動控制系統


  • 特定化學物質作業主管 結訓證書 (2019)
  • 實習專利工程師 研習證書 (2013)
  • LED工程師基礎能力鑑定證書 (2012)

六、 專利

(A) 美國專利

  1. Yu-Kai Lin and Chen-Fang Kang, Patent Title: Light guiding structure of backlight device., United states patent, Patent No. US10656321B1, Publication Date: 2020-05-19.

(B) 中華民國專利

  1. 林于凯、康振方,"背光裝置的導光結構",經濟部智慧財產局專利號:M581205,公告日:2019-07-21。
  2. 林于凱、康振方、江俊德,"發光鍵盤結構",經濟部智慧財產局專利號:M591696,公告日:2020-03-01。
  3. 林于凱、康振方、洪振瑋,"用於鍵盤之背光控制模組",經濟部智慧財產局專利號:M595193,公告日:2020-05-11。
  4. 林于凱、康振方、江俊德,"可全鍵面發光的發光鍵盤"。經濟部智慧財產局專利號:M621486,公告日: 2021-12-21。
  5. 林于凱、康振方、謝立航,"光敷面膜結構",經濟部智慧財產局專利號: M621623,公告日:2021-12-21。
  6. 林于凱、康振方、江俊德,"光學檢測裝置",經濟部智慧財產局專利號:M628897,公告日:2022-06-21。




  1. J.J. Ke, Z.J. Liu, C.F. Kang, S.J. Lin, J.H. He, "Surface effect on resistive switching behaviors of ZnO," Appl. Phys. Lett. 99 (2011) 192106.
  2. P.H. Fu, G.J. Lin, C.H. Ho, C.A. Lin, C.F. Kang, Y.L. Lai, K.Y. Lai, J.H. He, "Efficiency enhancement of InGaN multi-quantum-well solar cells via light-harvesting SiO2 nano-honeycombs," Appl. Phys. Lett. 100 (2012) 013105.
  3. D.S. Tsai, C.F. Kang, H.H. Wang, C.A. Lin, J.J. Ke, Y.H. Chu, J.H. He, "n-ZnO/LaAlO3/p-Si heterojunction for visible-blind UV detection," Optics Lett. 37 (2012) 1112-1114.
  4. C.Y. Hsu, D.H. Lien, S.Y. Lu, C.Y. Chen, C.F. Kang, Y.L. Chueh, W.K. Hsu, J.H. He, "A supersensitive, ultrafast, and broadband light-harvesting scheme employing carbon nanotube/TiO2 core-shell nanowire geometry", ACS Nano 6 (2012) 6687-6692.
  5. C.H. Ho, D.H. Lien, H.C. Chang, C.A. Lin, C.F. Kang, M.K. Hsing, K.Y. Lai, J.H. He, "Hierarchical structures consisting of SiO2 nanorods and p-GaN microdomes for efficiently harvesting solar energy for InGaN quantum well photovoltaic cells," Nanoscale 4 (2012) 7346-7349.
  6. Y.T. Huang, S.Y. Yu, C.L. Hsin, C.W. Huang, C.F. Kang, F.H. Chu, J.Y. Chen, J.C. Hu, L.T. Chen, J.H. He, W.W. Wu, "In-situ TEM and energy dispersion spectrometer analysis of chemical composition change in ZnO nanowire resistive memories" Analytical Chemistry, 85 (2013) 3955-3960.
  7. D.S. Tsai, K.K. Liu, D.H. Lien, M.L. Tsai, C.F. Kang, C.A. Lin, L.J. Li, J.H. He, "Few layer MoS2 with broadband high photogain and fast optical switching for use in harsh environments" ACS Nano 7 (2013) 3905-3911.
  8. T.H. Huang, W.Y. Chang, J.F. Chien, C.F. Kang, P.K. Yang, M.J. Chen, J.H. He, "Eliminating surface effects via employing nitrogen doping to significantly improve the stability and reliability of ZnO resistive memory" J. Mater. Chem. C, 1 (2013) 7593-7597.
  9. H.W. Huang, C.F. Kang, F.I. Lai, J.H. He, S.J. Lin, Y.L. Chueh, "Stability scheme of ZnO thin film resistive switching memory: Influence of defects by controllable oxygen pressure ratio" Nanoscale Research Lett. 8 (2013) 483.
  10. T.H. Huang, P.K. Yang, D.H. Lien, C.F. Kang, M.L. Tsai, Y.L. Chueh, J.H. He, " Resistive memory for harsh electronics: Immunity to surface effect and high corrosion resistance via surface modification" Scientific Reports 4 (2014) 4402.
  11. J.R. Durán Retamal, C.F. Kang, P.K. Yang, C.P. Lee, D.H. Lien, C.H. Ho, J.H. He, "Low-resistivity C54-TiSi2 as a sidewall-confinement nanoscale electrode for three-dimensional vertical resistive memory" Appl. Phys. Lett. 105 (2014) 182101.
  12. J.R. Durán Retamal, C.F. Kang, C.H. Ho, J.J. Ke, W.Y. Chang, J.H. He, "Effect of ultraviolet illumination on metal oxide resistive" Appl. Phys. Lett. 105 (2014) 253111.
  13. C.F. Kang, W.C. Kuo, W.Z. Bao, C.H. Ho, C.W. Huang, W.W. Wu, Y.H. Chu, J.Y. Juang, S.H. Tseng, L.B. Hu, J.H. He, "Self-formed conductive nanofilaments in (Bi, Mn)Ox for ultralow-power memory devices" Nano Energy 13 (2015) 283-290.
  14. P.K. Yang, C.H. Ho, D.H. Lien, J.R. Durán Retamal, C.F. Kang, K.M. Chen, T.H. Huang, Y.C. Yu, C.I. Wu and J.H. He, "A Fully Transparent Resistive Memory for Harsh Environments" Scientific Reports 5, 15087 (2015)
  15. D.H. Lien, J.R. Durán Retamal, J.J. Ke, C.F. Kang, and J.H. He, "surface effect in metal oxide-based nanodevices" Nanoscale 7, 19874 - 19884 (2015)
  16. W. Peng, L.F. Wang, B. Murali, K.T. Ho, A. Bera, N.C. Cho, C.F. Kang, V.M. Burlakov, J. Pan, L.n Sinatra, C. Ma, W. Xu, D. Shi, E. Alarousu, A. Goriely, J.H. He, O.F. Mohammed, T. Wu, and O.M. Bakr, "Solution-Grown Monocrystalline Hybrid Perovskite Films for Hole-Transporter Free Solar Cells" Adv. Mater. 28, 3383-3390 (2016)
  17. P. Shaikh, D. Shi, J. Retamal, A.D. Sheikh, M. A. Haque, C.F. Kang, J.H. He, O.M. Bakr and T. Wu, "Schottky junctions on perovskite single crystals:light-modulated dielectric constant and self-biased photodetection" J. Mater. Chem. C 4, 8304-8312 (2016).
  18. C.H. Ho, J.R.D. Retamal, P.K. Yang, C.P. Lee, M.L. Tsai, C.F. Kang, J.H. He, "Transparent Memory For Harsh Electronics" Sci. Rep.7, 44429 (2017)
  19. J.R. Durán Retamal, C.F. Kang, D.H. Lien, W.C. Kuo, Z.Y. Juang, M.L. Tsai, C.H. Ho, J.Y. Juang, V.K.S. Hsiao, Y.H. Chu, L.J. Li, Y. Wu, and J.H. He, "A Nanostructuring Method to Decouple Electrical and Thermal Transport through the Formation of Electrically Triggered Conductive Nanofilaments" Adv. Mater. 30, 1870243 (2018)

(B) 研討會論文

  1. C.Y. Ho, C.F. Kang, Y.T. Chiang, J.H. He, "Investigation of resistive switching behavior using Ti/ZnO nanobelt/Ti for non-volatile memory application" 2010 IEEE INEC in HK, EP259.
  2. D.S. Tsai, H.H. Wang, C.F. Kang, J.H. He, "Visible-Blind Ultraviolet Photodetector Fabricated on Double Heterojunction of n-ZnO/LAO/p-Si" 2011 SPIE Optics + Photonics in USA, 21-25.
  3. J.R. Durán Retamal, J.H. He, W.Y. Chang, J.J. Ke, C.F. Kang, "Resistive switching characterization of Pt/ZnO/Pt capacitor under ultraviolet illumination" 2012 SPIE Optics + Photonics in USA, 8465-37.
  4. C.F. Kang, W.C. Kuo, C.W. Huang, W.Y. Chang, W. Wu, Y.H. Chu, J.H. He, "Direct observation of conducting nano filaments in BMO resistive switching memory" 2012 ECS in USA, MA2012-02 2845.
  5. T.H. Huang, W.Y. Chang, J.F. Chien, C.F. Kang, P.K. Yang, M.J. Chen, J.H. He, "Resistive switching characteristics of n-doped ZnO films using atomic layer deposition" 2012 ECS in USA, MA2012-02 2816.
  6. D.S. Tasi, C.F. Kang, H.H. Wang, Y.H. Chu, J.H. He, "Visible-blind ultraviolet photodetector fabricated on n-ZnO/LaAlO3/p-Si heterojunction" 2012 ECS in USA, MA2012-02 3033.
  7. C.F. Kang, W.W. Wu, Y.H. Chu, J.H. He, "Direct observation of metallic nanofilaments in BMO resistive switching memory" 2015 KAUST-NSF in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
  8. P.K. Yang, C.H. Ho, D.H. Lien, J.R. Duran Retamal, C.F. Kang, K.M. Chen, T.H. Huang, Y.C. Yu, C.I Wu, J.H. He, "A fully transparent resistive memory toward extreme environments" 2015 EDSSC in Singapore, 053.
  9. C.F Kang, W. Bao, W.C. Kuo, Y.H. Chu, J.Y. Juang, L. Hu, S.H. Tseng, J.H. He, "Resistive switching induced thermoelectric devices based on complex metal oxide thin film" 2015 EDSSC in Singapore, 100.